Swiss Travel Association

General Terms and Conditions

Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH
Buchenrain 2
4106 Therwil (BL)

1. Subject matter of the GTC (General Terms and Conditions)

1.1 These GTCs govern the legal relationship between the customer and Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH.

1.2 These GTCs are applicable if Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is the organizer of the booked trip or offers other services in its own name. This also applies if Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH arranges as an agent a trip of other providers within the meaning of section 1.3 but offers additional services in its own name.

1.3 If Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH only arranges as an agent service of other providers (e.g. travel arrangements) or individual services (e.g. flight tickets), the GTC rules of these providers apply. Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is not a party to the contract in this case, but may charge costs for advice and reservations and, if applicable, for changes and cancellations in accordance with the following provisions.

2. Conclusion of the contract

2.1 The contract with Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is concluded as soon as the customer’s booking has been accepted by Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH. From this point onwards, these GTCs apply.

2.2 Special requests only become part of the contract if they have been expressly accepted and confirmed by Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH.

2.3 If the person making the booking registers further travellers, he/she is responsible for their contractual obligations (in particular payment of the tour price) in the same way as for his/her own obligations. The contractual agreements and these GTCs apply to all tour participants.

3. Prices, terms of payment and fees

3.1 The scope of the contractual services is set out in the customer’s personal travel quote (travel programme with offer) and the booking confirmation.

3.2 Unless otherwise stated, prices are per person in Swiss francs and for overnight stays per person in a double room.

3.3 Section 6 shall apply to price changes.

3.4 Upon receipt of the booking confirmation, a deposit of 50% of the travel price per person must be paid.

3.5 Payment of the remaining travel price must be made no later than 65 days before departure. If the deposit or the balance is not paid on time, Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH may withdraw from the contract and claim the costs in accordance with sections 3.6 and 3.7 as well as cancellation costs in accordance with section 4.

3.6 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH may charge costs for advice and reservations, even if Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH only acts as an agent. These will be communicated at the latest at the time of booking.

3.7 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH may charge an additional express surcharge for bookings made at short notice. In the case of bookings made at short notice, the entire invoice amount will be invoiced with the booking confirmation and must be paid immediately.

4. Changes, cancellation, and non-commencement of the trip by the customer

4.1 The customer must notify Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH by registered letter of any changes to or cancellation of the booked services. The documents already received must be returned immediately.

4.2 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH charges a processing fee (CHF 150) for changes to the booked services, even if it only acts as an agent. As a rule, this is not covered by any cancellation insurance.

4.3 If the entire trip or parts of it are cancelled, the cancellation costs will be charged in addition to the processing fee, even if Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH only acts as an agent.

4.4 Cancellation costs:

– from the date of written registration up to 91 days before departure: 20% of the tour price
– 90 – 31 days before departure: 50% of the tour price
– 30 – 0 days before departure: 100% of the tour price

If the full price of the flight tickets is included in the deposit, the cancellation costs are made up of the full cost of the flight tickets and the above-mentioned costs for cancelling the land package.

The date of receipt of the customer’s written declaration by Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is decisive for the calculation of the cancellation or change date. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the next working day is decisive.

4.5 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH recommends always taking out cancellation insurance including assistance and medical expenses, unless this is already included in the booked services.

5. Substitute traveller

5.1 If the customer cancels the trip, he/she is entitled to provide a substitute traveller, provided this is accepted by all service providers. The substitute traveller must be willing and able to enter into the contract under the existing conditions. In particular, he/she must fulfil any conditions relating to health, vaccinations, official orders, etc.

5.2 The customer and the substitute traveller are jointly and severally liable for the entire price plus any additional costs and processing fees incurred in accordance with section 3.

6. Changes to the contractual services by the travel agency

6.1 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH reserves the right to change advertised services prior to booking. It will inform the customer of this before the booking is made.

6.2 Price increases after conclusion of the contract may occur in the following cases:

– subsequent increases in transport costs (e.g. fuel surcharges)
– newly introduced or increased charges or fees (e.g. airport taxes, park entrance fees)
– introduction or increase of taxes and government levies, government-imposed price increases, etc.
– exchange rate changes
– necessary replacement of a booked service (e.g. other lodge)

If the costs of these travel services increase, these may be passed on to the customer. The tour price will increase accordingly.
The customer will be informed of a price increase no later than 3 weeks before the start of the tour.
If the change to the programme or the change to individual agreed services leads to a significant change to an essential point of the contract or if the price increase is more than 10% of the original tour price, the customer has the following rights:

– The customer may accept the change to the contract.
– The customer may cancel the contract in writing within 5 days of receipt of the notification and receive an immediate refund of the travel price already paid.
– Within 5 days of receipt of the notification, the customer may notify Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH in writing that the customer wishes to take part in an equivalent alternative tour proposed by Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH. Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH will endeavour to offer such a trip. If the alternative trip is cheaper, the price difference will be refunded. If the replacement trip is more expensive, the originally agreed price must be paid.

If the customer does not notify Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH in accordance with letters b) or c), the customer agrees to the price increase, the programme change or the change to individual agreed services.

6.3 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH may change the programme or individual services during the trip for important reasons (e.g. weather conditions), if this does not result in a significant change to the programme or change the character of the trip. Further claims by the customer are excluded.

Should a programme change be made during the trip (e.g. due to weather conditions) which affects a significant part of the agreed trip, Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH will reimburse you for any objective reduction in value between the agreed tour price and that of the services provided.

If, during the trip, you choose accommodation or a means of transport other than those specified in the travel programme at your own request, you will settle the costs incurred directly with the new service provider.

6.4 The customer’s rights under Articles 8 et seq. of the Package Travel Act remain reserved.

7. Cancellation of the trip by the travel agency

7.1 During the trip, the customer must in all cases comply with the safety measures of the guides and the safety measures in the individual accommodations in the national parks or on the edge of the national parks. If the customer has justified cause to do so, Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH may withdraw from the contract and claim the costs according to clauses 3.6 and 3.7 as well as the cancellation costs according to clause 4 and compensation for any damages.

7.2 The trip may also be cancelled due to force majeure, strikes or official measures or other reasons that make the trip impossible, endanger it or make it considerably more difficult. In all these cases, Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH will offer the customer a replacement trip if possible. If this is cheaper, the difference in price will be refunded to the customer. If the customer chooses not to accept the alternative offer, the price already paid will be refunded in full. Further claims by the customer are excluded.

8. Cancellation of the trip by the customer

8.1 If the customer cancels the trip prematurely, the price cannot be refunded. Any unused services will be refunded provided they are not charged to Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH. The costs of the return journey shall be borne by the customer.

8.2 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH recommends that the customer take out appropriate insurance.

9. Complaints during the trip

9.1 Complaints must be reported immediately to the local representative, or the service provider and a remedy requested free of charge. If no adequate remedy is provided within a reasonable period of time, the customer must have the defect confirmed in writing. The local representative or service provider is obliged to do so. If the defect is not minor, the customer may take remedial action himself/herself. The resulting costs shall be reimbursed by the travel agency against receipt, provided they are within the scope of the agreed contractual services and the customer has complained about the defect and had it confirmed in writing.

9.2 If the customer wishes to assert claims against Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH, he must do so in writing within 30 days of the contractual end of the trip, otherwise he loses his rights.

10. Liability

10.1 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is liable within the framework of Articles 14 et seq. of the Package Travel Act (Pauschalreisegesetz) for careful selection, organization and procurement of the agreed travel services.

10.2 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is not liable for delays or changes to timetables and flight schedules and for any expenses incurred as a result.

10.3 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH is not liable for theft and loss of telecommunication equipment, valuables, cash, cheques and credit cards or their misuse.

10.4 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH’s liability for damage other than personal injury is limited to a maximum of twice the price of the contractual services unless Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH has caused the damage intentionally or through gross negligence. The liability only covers direct damage. Lower liability limits in international agreements or national laws remain reserved.

10.5 Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH recommends that the customer take out appropriate insurance.

10.6 Under no circumstances shall the travel agency be liable for force majeure, strikes, riots, warlike or terrorist events, epidemics or pandemics or official measures of any kind. The customer is obliged to inform himself about any dangers that may be associated with his stay in the host country. Liability for loss of holiday enjoyment and similar claims is excluded.

11. Entry requirements, travel documents and visas

Unless otherwise stated, information in the travel documents on passport and entry requirements applies only to citizens of the EU and EFTA. Customers are responsible for their own travel documents and visas. In the event of a refusal of entry, the customer must bear the costs of the return journey.

12. Ombudsman

Before any legal dispute with Tanzania Unique Adventures GmbH, the customer should contact the independent travel industry ombudsman. The ombudsman will endeavour to reach a fair and balanced agreement. The address is: Ombudsman of the Swiss Travel Industry, 8038 Zurich.

13. Data protection

The customer agrees that his personal data may be passed on to third parties abroad insofar as this is necessary for the fulfilment of contractual obligations. The data protection provisions available on our website also apply to data protection.

14. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction

14.1 The legal relationship between the parties shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law.

14.2 The original text is the German version. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated terms of use, refer to the German version of our website which is the official version.

14.2 The place of jurisdiction is Therwil (BL).

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